The Law of Freewill allows us to see and feel our own truths and realities. Within our individual perceptions we draw comparison, identify and ultimately conclude upon what we accept as truth.

My work has no direct narrative, it dwells in the locale of the metaphysical. Although as an artist I create with intention it’s realistic to say that the viewer will perceive and acknowledge subjectively as to what personal narrative they want to project upon the work.

Art is everything and nothing in my opinion. For this is a self-expressed quote, where I am referring to my creative process and philosophy within what I perceive art to be or not to be.

For a very long time I have believed that art is not a framed picture, limited to the confines and dimensions that it occupies. It travels far beyond that and existing in everything.

The essence of what we call art is void of monetary value and reputation, for that is the projection we as humans place on it. The Dada Movement and even Warhol, Rauschenberg and others helped change the perception surrounding our conventional perspective on what art really is.

Art is really another word for invention. A process of pioneering and innovation. In the end it is a result and a by-product of thoughts that have materialized and the process that propelled those ideas and concepts into physical world. K.S.


Art is Void of Defintion


Abstraction Doesn’t Exist